Payson Location Overview
- Phone - 928.478.8410
- Fax - 866.913.0013
- Street Address
803 South Ponderosa Street
Suite C
Payson, Arizona 85541
- Office Hours
Call for hours.
- Allergy Shot Hours
Allergy shots currently by appointment only.
About Our Payson Location
If you’re in need of an Ear, Nose & Throat, (ENT) Specialist in the Payson area, look no further! We’re accepting new patients and would be glad to have you join the National Sinus Institute family of care. Our Payson otolaryngology clinic welcomes patients of all ages from pediatric to adult. We can help diagnose and manage common conditions such as sinus infections, allergies, sleep apnea, tonsillitis & more!
You can find more information about symptoms & disorders by visiting our Conditions We Treat page. We also have a full list of the treatment options and procedures that we offer located on the Our Services page.
- Conditions We Treat
- Sinus & Nasal Conditions
- Allergies (Allergic Rhinitis)
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea
- Throat Conditions
- Ear Conditions
- Our Services
- Sinus Dilations
- Radiofrequency Ablation (RFA)
- Turbinoplasty & Septoplasty
- Patient Resources
- New Patient Information
- Patient Paperwork & Forms
- Patient Financial Policies