Mel D. Brown, PA-C, MPAS, CSD
Physician Assistant
Mel D Brown PA-C, MPAS, CSD, brings over 39 years of
experience in medicine to the NSI, including over 20 years in
the US Armed Forces from Primary Disaster response team
to consultant to the US Air Force Surgeon General. Brown
received his Undergraduate degree from the University of
Nebraska Medical Center and subsequent Masters degree in
advanced studies in Otolaryngology also from the University
of Nebraska Medical Center. He completed his residency in
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck surgery at Wright Patterson
Medical Center through the US Air Force and Wright State
University. He is a consultant to the Mayo Clinic clinical
science doctorate program. He is the former associate director
of the Tri service PA program and former President of the
society of PAs and Otolaryngology.
Brown is a certified Spanish translator and is passionate about
serving the Otolaryngologic needs of patients of all ages and
demographics. And has been instrumental in implementing
total quality improvement (TQI) to improve the healthcare
delivery among healthcare professionals and patients in
several healthcare practices. He frequently leads medical
missions with various church ministries south of the border.
He is married and has four adult children. Hobbies include
spending more time with his three grandchildren, traveling
with his wife and fly fishing.